By purchasing a small portion of your monthly groceries from New Nation Education – NPC every month, you will enjoy the benefits of our program
Social Upliftment
Primary upliftment accomplished through a commission based program that enables schools and communities to generate the funds required for the upgrade of fundamentals such as school buildings, teaching mediums, educational excursions, educational staff or any other type of upliftment that contributes towards the quality of their educational systems. Community upliftment achieved by virtue of the participant’s incentive scheme and the payback rewards distributed to members accordingly. We offer all our member sponsored business training, entrepreneurship and skills development in the business of their choice.
How the concept works:
1. This is a network marketing type business, with one major difference, we do not sell a specific brand of product. We sell all the normal groceries one would purchase every month from a local supermarket.
Or the second option is to subscribe for our business training and skills development program
2. As everyone is already purchasing groceries, you do not have to sell products, you only need to market the opportunity. Because we see no real job creation in the future, we have made the decision to train and skill community members in the business of their choice, to encourage self-employment or starting and growing their own business.
3. There is a minimum monthly purchase threshold for all natural persons who wish to remain active in the network. The minimum monthly threshold is R259.00 excluding vat, postage, and packaging. Students and unemployed customer do not need to make this minimum purchase to remain active. The subscription monthly threshold is R86.00 per month excluding vat.
4. Schools, clubs, societies, and any other business type will need to make the minimum monthly purchase threshold of R2590.00 excluding vat, postage, and packaging. These customers are not classified as a natural person.
5. We pay out 10 – 40% commission on the profit made through purchases by others, excluding VAT.
6. New Nation Education NPO will only pay commissions three levels below you.
7. There is no capital outlay, there is no previous experience needed, there is no product knowledge needed and there is no training needed on the groceries.
8. To earn the commission you will need to introduce other people to the concept when they join, you earn a commission on profit the New Nation Education NPO makes on whatever they purchase.
9. But you only need to introduce others if you want to earn commission, if you just want to be a customer and support the New Nation Education NPO you don’t need to introduce people. (think about it like this, would you not like to help others improve their lives)
10. You introduce people and these people would be part of your 1st level you can earn 10% on the profit the NNE-NPO makes from each person on your 1st level.
11. The people, your 1st level introduces will become your 2nd level and you can earn 5 to 13% on the profit made by the NNE_NPO through the sales to each person on your 2nd level
12. The people, on your 2nd level introduces will be your 3rd level and you can earn 2 to 17% on the profit made by the NNE-NPO through the sales to each person on your 3rd level.
13. The more people you have on your 1st level the higher your commission will be (see the table below).
14. Commissions are paid out the month after the purchases were made, but if the total commission you earned that month is less than R100.00 it will not be transferred until it is more than R100.00. (Due to banking charges)
15. Although our products are a bit more expensive than the big supermarkets at present, these prices will drop and become closer to the prices in the large supermarkets over the next year or two. The business opportunity allows you to earn a commission, there is no supermarket that will pay you a commission for bringing your family there to shop.
16. The deliveries will be done by courier companies and will cost a bit extra, this will also
come down in the next year or two, as we get more customers in your area we will have school kids delivering parcels in the future, so we can reduce the price and give the school kids some pocket money at the same time.
17. Our product range will also grow larger and larger each month eventually our customers will be able to order their whole months groceries with us.
18. Before any products will be shipped, proof of payment will need to be sent through to New Nation Education NPO
19. Being part of New Nation Education NPO allows you to take advantage of some great TAX Breaks
20. You are already purchasing the products, you are only changing your supplier so that you can take advantage of our project “Uplift A Nation” where we help you understand the economy, start your own business, get great rewards and help the children of South Africa with the best possible education.
21. If you would like to become part of this great company, please go to the top of the home page and register, thank you. There will be registration buttons – one for Groceries Member and one for Subscription Member – the commissions are the same – but the groceries member will need to make a groceries purchase every month and the Subscription Member will need to pay a subscription every month.
22. NNE-NPO profit after sales, exclude VAT, postage and packaging (Profit is Sale value – Vat – Cost of goods – packaging – postage/delivery) Example (Sales value R395.00 – Vat R59.25 = R335.75 – Cost of goods R185.00 = R150.75 – Packaging 15.00 = R135.75 – delivery R61.75 = Profit R74.00)
So one can earn high commissions on all the groceries purchased by people in their down-line.
The percentages start increasing as the customer introduces more customers onto his/her 1st level, for every ten active customers on their 1st level they get a higher percentage reward. See the table below.
Membership Status
Number of Active Members on your 1st level |
Bronze Member
9 or less |
Silver Member
10 or more |
Gold Member
20 or more |
Platinum Member
30 or more |
Diamond Member
40 or more |
Level 1 | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% |
Level 2 | 5% | 8% | 10% | 11% | 13% |
Level 3 | 2% | 5% | 8% | 13% | 17% |
Ref #: 226-529 NPO Company Reg #: 2019/034188/08
All our members get Sponsored web hosting and a custom domain.